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[Nikraria] Stroke of Madness: Memories - A Lovecraftian VN (2014) [Renpy][Win]
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Date : 2017-03Size : 109 M
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Stroke of Madness: Memories is a Lovecraftian Visual Novel developed by Nikraria, and a extension of the original Stroke of Madness game. The story revolves around Eloise, a young redheaded woman, who is suddenly awoken in the middle of the night. The main objective of the game is to find Eloise's missing husband Charles, while avoiding sudden demises lurking in the darkness.

The big addition to this version of the game compared to its predecessor (Stroke of Madness)is the ability to search each individual room by clicking the Eye icon at the top right of the screen. With this new mechanic the player is given the ability to discover more information about the life and past events of Eloise, which sometimes unlocks erotic memories from her past or people she had come in contact with.

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