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[RPG] [甘黒堂] 無人島サバイバルビーチ / [AMAKURODOU] SURVIVAL BEACH Ver.8
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Date : 2017-01Size : 266 M
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[RPG] [甘黒堂] 無人島サバイバルビーチ / [AMAKURODOU] SURVIVAL BEACH Ver.8


Title / タイトル: 無人島サバイバルビーチ / SURVIVAL BEACH
Brand / ブランド: 甘黒堂 / AMAKURODOU
Release / 販売日: 2016/12/23
File size / ファイル容量: 263MB

[ Open gameplay, choose your goals / 2.5D anime / Uninhabited island explorer RPG ]

* Source ingredients and make meals with the "cooking system"
* 6 girls + 2 guys + 2 ???? others for 10 distinct and unique party members
* There are many escapes from the island, or you may choose to be a resident
* Multiple endings / Multiple playthroughs & replayability feature

Seek out "ingredients" and "water" on the grand map of an uninhabited island.
From this basic premise, the story is yours to craft.

Escape, set roots, find treasure, gather goods, reveal the secrets of the island.
Your friendships won't force you to follow a path, you can even play as a lone wolf.

Find a way out this solitary rock or plant your flag as a permanent islander.

The choice is yours.






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