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[ADV] [studio Ghau!] ぴんくしぇありんぐ ~ツリメ☆ツインテ☆ツンデレ彼女~ / Pink Sharing
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Date : 2017-01Size : 525.8 M
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[ADV] [studio Ghau!] ぴんくしぇありんぐ ~ツリメ☆ツインテ☆ツンデレ彼女~ / Pink Sharing


Title / タイトル: ぴんくしぇありんぐ ~ツリメ☆ツインテ☆ツンデレ彼女~ / Pink Sharing
Brand / ブランド: studio Ghau!
Release / 販売日: 2016/12/10
File size / ファイル容量: 525MB

* Story
"Good evening. Wanna chat a little?"

I was hanging out for some vague reason in the lobby of an SNS site
when a girl named Asuka Kuze texted me.

We hit it off and continued messaging each other for the next few days.

She said she wanted to meet IRL. I could only do evenings after work, and she said that was fine.

In person Asuka was aloof but... I must say she was cuter than I expected!
And she was as assertive as she acted with her texts.

* ADV novel
Presenting the debut product of studio Ghau!
Fill out our questionnaire on the HP to let us know what you think.
We'd love for you to try the game.

Rutolo Nanagi as "Asuka Kuze"


なんとなくといった理由で彼女『久世 明日香(くぜ あすか)』はサイトのロビーにいた僕に声をかけてきた。

彼女から会いたいと積極的なアプローチされる。 仕事で夜しか会えないと伝えるとそれでもOKだなんて。


彼女の好奇心溢れるひたすらに若い心とカラダにどんどんのめり込んでいく… 果たして彼女との行末は…?

◆studio Ghau!の処女作!

久世 明日香 / 七凪るとろ

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