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[ACT] [ALsoft] 乳忍 / Chichi Nin Ver.1.12
Magnet (138)  Offline
Date : 2016-10Size : 1.03 G
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[ACT] [ALsoft] 乳忍 / Chichi Nin Ver.1.12

Title / タイトル: 乳忍 / Chichi Nin
Brand / ブランド: ALsoft
Release / 販売日: 2016/04/12
File size / ファイル容量: 1.02GB

Erotic Sidescrolling NINJA Action!

Work your way through stages as you defeat enemies and bosses, clearing the path to victory in ALsoft's simple, sexy action game.

* Game Modes
- Story ... Clear stages and defeat the last boss in the final stage to see the ending.
- Challenge ... Choose from a variety of showdown battles. (21 total challenges)
- Survival ... An all-out war against enemies. (2 types)
- Gallery ... Appreciate the CG artwork of the game. (238 CGs incl. variations)

For more details, please play the trial and visit the homepage.

* 1280x720 display
* USB controller / gamepad compatible
* Includes walkthrough video



 ・ギャラリー・・・CGを鑑賞するモードです。(CG238枚 *差分含む)




 ・ゲームパッドTYPE Cの追加

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