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[ADV] [La.Bit Soft] がちゃがちゃ娘。Y☆B☆P コンプリートセット / gachagacha daughter. Y ☆ B ☆ P complete set
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Date : 2016-09Size : 912.8 M
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[ADV] [La.Bit Soft] がちゃがちゃ娘。Y☆B☆P コンプリートセット / gachagacha daughter. Y ☆ B ☆ P complete set

Title / タイトル: がちゃがちゃ娘。Y☆B☆P コンプリートセット / gachagacha daughter. Y ☆ B ☆ P complete set
Brand / ブランド: La.Bit Soft
Release / 販売日: 2016/03/18
File size / ファイル容量: 912MB

Every day peaceful commonly…….
The graduation from university was decided without a difficulty, too, and the informal decision of finding employment did not have a hard time in particular, too.
But be not big companies, and All is common, and All is ordinary. Such I.

For the future and the present conditions, particularly big; is satisfied. There is not it…….
But there are not she Yes to the particular hobby, too.
The future dream? When be asked about to……Work commonly, and marry commonly, and is common; in normal…….
Do not sometimes stop when oneself has no both hobby and personality when I begin to be troubled.

When want to find something, and walk the usual way earnestly; co; the coin which glittered mincingly hit shoes.
The old noisy cricket which gives off very front nikaha, mysterious Hikari.

When turn a lever so that is attracted, and return to the house, and open the capsule which came out; there small Girls! ?

"Be mi, Mika". Be hawawa, A, Mika. The Yes which there is no chanha in! 」

Yes, obtain it? What this is not common. Be impossible. Be not Nichijou! !
Be Mika? Be what these? Do talk? What this……What this……What this……? ?

The Mika which is not common and the life that are not common suddenly are beginning matteshimatta me.
Though usually thought that I hated unpleasant da; the ji Nan which, in fact, is the happiest normal……! ?

Become an office worker; and three years. Acted seriously every single day.
It is recognized, and I who was left an important position to for the first time, a thing of a sense of responsibility are intentions strong unusually.

However, do not go well for some reason. Work not to be over even if do it even if do it one after another
A trouble to happen. Every day that acts until work is * on the good co-worker of the point conveniently and feels dizzy…….

Because though I am actually exhausted, but my merit is only serious Koto…….

Found one piece of coin which glittered in the middle of the night of such one day, the way back of the overtime work when I walked while staring at tobotobo and the point of shoes.
Must send a police box to be similar! Think of to, but be attracted by an old noisy cricket giving off a certain mysterious Hikari before eyes
Put ruyoni coin, and turn it.

When take the capsule which came out while having a small sense of guilt home with me, and return to the house, and open it――

There small Girls! ?

"My name gets riel"? Do send it to the police box? Cannot have you believe it! 」

Be irresponsible, and the riel is suitable, and I who am serious am just before an irritation explosion.
But, during days to spend together, notice without Nan…….
As for the thing which I outrun you, and possibly is necessary for the one of such power…….

I who lived by giving student life to baseball, the biennial summer were days of the exercise exercise.
And the finals of the caucus that I reached, an error of the deep regret. The dream of the national convention that disappeared idly.

The teammate says that I do not mind it, but,
For fear of I cannot forgive oneself and failing, cannot recover itself.

When I chased a ball desperately, did a big injury. Fortunately, aftereffects are not left
In addition, be the levels that I can return to……The physical wound greatly bends over the wound of the Kokoro, too.

All are uneasy……Do not seem to be able to go to the school from a new school term.
Every day that I go home and the hospital, and only comes.

I who I stared at only the way back of such a hospital, the step, and walked found one piece of coin which glittered.
Old noisy cricket - - which gives off mysterious Hikari in front.

Turn a lever so that be attracted, and bring the capsule which came out in the house.
When somewhat open a capsule while throbbing strangely; there small Girls! ?

"saraka is yoroshikune ♪" of saying"

The Girls named saraka sometimes sometimes contacts for me who mope strictly easily.
As for me, I may recover myself…….












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