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[DN] [SugarShift(シュガーシフト)] 誘惑バニーと夜のレシピ / [SugarShift] Alluring Bunny and Evening Recipe: The Novelization
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Date : 2016-05Size : 65.9 M
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[DN] [SugarShift(シュガーシフト)] 誘惑バニーと夜のレシピ / [SugarShift] Alluring Bunny and Evening Recipe: The Novelization

Title / タイトル: 誘惑バニーと夜のレシピ / Alluring Bunny and Evening Recipe: The Novelization
Brand / ブランド: SugarShift(シュガーシフト) / SugarShift
Release / 販売日: 2016/04/02
File size / ファイル容量: 65MB

"Mmm, you're big down there... What could YOU want?"

This is a novel-style game based on the voice drama by Sounova.

Game creator: SugarShift
Script: Sounova
Voice: Hinata Akikawa



ゲーム制作 SugarShift
脚本 荘ノヴァ
音声 秋川ひなた

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