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[RPG] [第六花壇] 少年勇者ケン~じいちゃんの病気を治せ!の巻~ / [The sixth flower bed] cure the disease of the Boy brave man Ken - grandpa! no Maki ... Ver.1.01
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Date : 2016-03Size : 102.6 M
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[RPG] [第六花壇] 少年勇者ケン~じいちゃんの病気を治せ!の巻~ / [The sixth flower bed] cure the disease of the Boy brave man Ken - grandpa! no Maki ... Ver.1.01

Title / タイトル: cure the disease of the Boy brave man Ken - grandpa! no Maki ...
Brand / ブランド:第六花壇 / The sixth flower bed
Release / 販売日: 2016/02/03
File size / ファイル容量: 102MB

Caution !
A CG work [Boy brave man Ken - Kanzemban] that this work was sold before
Became an RPG game.
The contents of the story in the summary are about the same, and the CG using becomes the same thing.
But correct it, and revise the part which I was not able to describe in small setting and previous work partly.

When clear "the main part" by the viewpoint of chief character Ken
Can play "the backside of the main part" of the heroine Mily viewpoint.
By the trial version, can play "the main part" by the viewpoint of chief character Ken completely.

The ordinary story of Boy Ken living in the mountain village and people around the So.
Be the adventure dramas that chief character Ken plays an active part splendidly in order to save the village mayor who became sick this time!
The nursing of the village mayor should feel relieved if I entrust Mily of the *hood friend…
In the Koto which is good in a chief character being absent a village mayor girls of the *hood friend……
With the act carried out by Mily with a grandfather secretly in the place that Ken does not know…

Chief character Ken Cheerful Boy to be a brave man. Be sukebe a little.
Do its best to cure the disease of the village mayor this time!

Heroine Mily The girl who lives in the neighboring house in *hood friends of Ken. One is older than Ken. Big Tits.
Do the care of the ill village mayor. Take care in various meanings.

Village mayor Be village mayors for a grandfather of grandpa Ken. A study of the magic that the hobby is indecent. dosukebe.
yaru intentions various in what got sick with Ken of the grand*.

Friend Ren The cheerful daughter who lives in the same village. There is a thing staring wide-eyed at the growth of the chest.
The reliable friend who fights together.

The Nao, the Hon work were produced by RPG tsukuru VX Ace.
RPG tsukuru VX Ace RTP (free) is necessary to play a game.




主人公 ケン 勇者を目指す元気な少年。ちょっとスケベ。

ヒロイン ミリー ケンの幼馴染で隣の家に住んでいる少女。ケンより一つ年上。巨乳。

村長 じいちゃん ケンの祖父で村長。趣味は、いやらしい魔法の研究。ドスケベ。

仲間 レン 同じ村に住んでいる元気っ娘。胸の成長に目を見張るものがある。

なお、本作品はRPGツクールVX Aceによって制作されたものです。
ゲームをプレイする為にはRPGツクールVX Ace RTP(無料)が必要です。

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