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[Nounai Kanojo] Yamitsuki! (やみツキ!)
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Date : 2016-02Size : 2.05 G
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The protagonist has a feminine face, and his *hood friend, Tsuzuki Mikoto, always made fun of him until it became more like everyday life.

An unexpected thing happened, he wanted to confess to the most beautiful girl at school, Minomura Tsukasa. But his love letter got into the hands of another girl by mistake, Yagami Kihiro, the only daughter of a yakuza, and she fell in love with him.

As he tried to shake of Kihiro's "love attack", he tried again and confessed to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa accepted his confession. He was happy for the time being, but for some reason she began to make him wear women's clothing. Actually, at last year's school festival, she fell in love with the protagonist who was cross-dressing then.

Surrounded by these girls who love him in a somewhat warped and tumultuous way, the protagonist and the heroines begin to chase each other.

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