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[DN] [ゼロワン] 7Days Episode2 裏切り / [Zero-One] 7 Days Episode 2 Betrayal
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Date : 2016-02Size : 736.5 M
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[DN] [ゼロワン] 7Days Episode2 裏切り / [Zero-One] 7 Days Episode 2 Betrayal

Title / タイトル: 7Days Episode2 裏切り / 7 Days Episode 2 Betrayal
Brand / ブランド: ゼロワン / Zero-One
Release / 販売日: 2016/01/29
File size / ファイル容量: 740MB

The 10th anniversary work of the circle Zero-One.

This is the second episode of the 7 Days series. Each episode is sold separately.

The content continues from Episode 1, and there is no trial to demo-play,
so you can only see the sample CGs to get an idea.
If you like what you see, please buy, and enjoy the series.

Yui Natsuki (heroine) is voiced by Momoyo Akiba

(Please note the voice actress is different from Episode 1)

本作品はサークル : Zero-Oneの10周年記念作品です。



対応OS : Windows Vista、7、8、8.1、10

ヒロイン:夏樹結衣 CV 秋葉モモ代 さん


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