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[H-Games][RPG] Reunion Ver.1.1 (January 2016)
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Date : 2016-01Size : 96.8 M
No snapshot? Click me to search! Savedata Walkthrough EXHENTAI E-HENTAI
--Latest version 1.1--

Chrome (*) was a naturally quiet fellow who lived in a quiet secluded village.
However, the discovery of innate monster-battling powers got him involved in a mess
in a cave with some traveling young girls...

* A simple RPG with a male protag and female companions
* Ero CG base 20 images (3 heroines x 6 each + nameless)
* Ero scenes are one-on-one consensual sex (no r*pe, no harems)
* Situations are vanilla sex with mild amounts of intercourse
* Game difficulty is casual, with turn-based structure and linear storyline
* Playtime is 1-2 hours with a gallery in the protag's home (**)

(*) The player name can be changed
(**) Gallery is unavailable in the free trial

Created with RPG Tkool VX Ace.

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