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[H-Games][ACT] Travel-IN-g / Travel淫g~エッチで巨乳な悠梨の、やられ旅~
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Date : 2016-01Size : 199.5 M
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* Full title *
Travel-IN-g: Big Breasted Yuuri's Doomed Pilgrimage

* Game *
Created from over 10,000 frames, Travel-IN-g is a "nuru nuru saku saku" super animated scrolling action game.
Play through 5 stages each with an unforgiving boss battle.

* Story *
Yuuri is SO horny with SO many dirty thoughts in her head that she had to wonder... is she cursed with succubus lust?
Ding ding ding! That's correct.
To break the curse, Yuuri must fight all manner of vulgar man and monster on a pilgrimage to IN-town ("Lust Town"),
a journey saturated with sex, swallowing whole, creampies, *ta spells, treatment like a sex object and more.

* Game over *
Enjoy 12 enemy types each with its own H attack.
Each enemy also has 2 or more game over animated scenes.
(Whenever you see a game over, it's saved in the gallery.)

* Special unlockables *
After you finish the game once, you can use special items like "Strip", "Kamikaze (instant game over)" and "Invincibility".
If you're not fond of action games, these items can even be unlocked right away using a cheat code.

* CV *
Voice actresses Chiaki Kusa and Aya Kuchitani add a whole new dimension of life with fantastic performances.

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