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[H-Games][RPG] Princess Armelia / 王女アルメリア ~囚われし姫君の陵辱連鎖~ (December 2015)
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Date : 2016-01Size : 63.3 M
No snapshot? Click me to search! Savedata Walkthrough EXHENTAI E-HENTAI
* Game premise
The soiling and toying of a proud royal. Princess assault RPG!

Armelia is the attractive first daughter her kingdom.
On her return journey from negotiations with the royals of Saharauc,
general Solnei *naps her and places her in a dungeon.
His goal is to use her to wrest control from the entire region.
She must escape. She must!

* Pose art (with outfit variations!) displayed in battle
* CG gallery, replay mode and mock combat visuals
* Personally build your character's items and status
* PRD (pride) gauge in place of traditional MP
* Experience is increased with H attacks!!

Requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free):

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