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[H-Games][RPG] EIGHTH BIBLE / EIGHTH BIBLE~八つの秘奥義 Ver1.11c
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Date : 2015-11Size : 151.2 M
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EIGHTH BIBLE ~Yattsu no Hiougi~ (The Eight Teachings of Mystery)

* Story
Grandfather Gendou and granddaughter Nanami shared a home in the forest.
When a messenger arrived one day, their peaceful lives were disrupted.
Gendou up and ran, leaving behind only a single letter on which were written eight secrets.
To comprehend their meaning, Nanami chased after Gendou to the Imperial City.

* System
A classic noble path RPG
Playtime: +/- 10 hours
Content: +/- 40 quests, 17 base CGs, 48 total CGs

CG review
Scene review
Difficulty options

* Notes
Requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free).

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