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[H-Games][RPG] Majokko Dice in Dungeon (October 2015)
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Date : 2015-11Size : 26 M
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* About the game

Play as Majokko, a slightly Ecchi Witch, in a simple RPG-like
digital dungeon that's not your typical random dice roller. ;)

Try to reach the goal without a game over, completing pixel animations as you go.

The dice roll aspect is of course meaningful to your progress:
When you land on a Super H Square you get one full unlock + cumshot scene.
(Some animations have limited view in terms of camera angle)
Land on a normal H Square to unlock part of a scene.

CV: Aya Kuchitani

* About the pixel animation
There 11 base, 32 total pixel animations in this game
Each layer (stage) has 1-2 Super H Squares worth of scenes, complete with cumshots
Any unlocked animations can be rewatched from the gallery, including those from game overs, etc.

Requires RPG TKool VX RTP (free):

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