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[18+][RJ153582][commit1]Ongaeshi / "Realtime 3D Repayment" v1.4 + Uncensor Pre-patched + Manual
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Date : 2015-09Size : 988 M
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This is "Realtime 3D Repayment" version 1.4 by commit1 prepatched by SoftwareGuy.

Game Name: リアルタイム3D 恩返し by Commit (Google Translate: "Realtime 3D Repay")
Date of Sale: 19th April, 2015
Last updated: 25th May, 2015 - Version 1.4
Price tag: 1,404 Yen (at time of writing)
DLSite Ecchi Corner ID: RJ153582

For 32bit operating systems, run the EXE inside 32bit folder.
For 64bit operating systems, run the EXE inside 64bit folder.

How to tell if you're 32bit or 64bit?
You can use a tool like HWInfo32/HWInfo64 or MSInfo32. The latter comes with Windows; just hit Windows Key + R and type "msinfo32". You'll see a line that will say either: "x86-based PC" or "x64-based PC". You cannot run a 64bit game on 32bit OS even if your CPU supports 64bit, because it doesn't work like that. You can run 32bit games on top of 64bit OS without issues, just not 64bit games on a 32bit OS.

Uncensor/Recensor instructions
Uncensor is already applied. If you wish to censor the game again, copy the stuff from "_GameCensor" into the root folder of the game. For example, if you extracted the game to C:FapRepayment, copy the two folders out of the "_GameCensor" folder and paste in the C:FapRepayment folder. Allow overwrite. If done correctly, the next time you boot the game, the gentials should be uncensored.

To uncensor again do the same, but this time, copy the data from "_GameUncensor" into the root folder of the game. Allow overwrite. If done correctly, the next time you boot the game, the gentials should be censored.


Initial seeding will be slow. Don't cancel the download though - you'll get it eventually.

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