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A Voyage to Brobdingnag / 巨娘国渡航記 [English Voice Acting]
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Date : 2015-07Size : 98.6 M
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Title: Kyomusume Koku Tokouki
Original title: 巨娘国渡航記
Length: Short (2 - 10 hours)
Year: Japan 2007-07-02, English Version 2014-08-01
Developer: I-Raf-You
Publishers: I-Raf-You
Language: English
Voice: English

It is the year 1689 A.D., in the Edo period.
Our protagonist who lives in Osaka is drinking together with Gulliver who has stopped by for a visit.
He hits it off with Gulliver straight away, and decides to join him in his travels. However… they become adrift on a strange peninsula.
There they then encounter a huge, towering giant girl… ?!
Well that country turns out to be the country of Brobdingnag, where people are 12 times the size of normal humans!

System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium or later
HDD: 200MB
Video: 800x600 / 65536 colors or greater
DirectX: Required

You need Adobe AIR to install the game.
Full Screen - W
Skip Dialog - Space


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