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The Sagara Family / 相楽さん家の悦楽ライフ♪ [English]
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Date : 2015-03Size : 741.6 M
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Title: Sagara-sanchi no Etsuraku Life ♪
Original title: 相楽さん家の悦楽ライフ♪
Year: Japan 2003-08-28, English Version 2005-01-25
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Developer: ZyX
Publishers: G-Collections
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Animation: Ero scenes: Simple animations


You are Yusuke, a Japanese youth about to enter college in Tokyo. When your father suggested that you live with the family of a friend of his while you attend school, you didn't really have an opinion one way or the other. Until, that is, you found out that the Sagara Family is comprised of nothing but women: four beautiful daughters and their sexy widowed mother!
Of course you don't mind the prospect of living in a house full of beautiful women -- you are a man, after all. The trouble is, they're not used to having men around, so they don't know how to act around one. This will no doubt cause any number of interesting situations to pop up as you get used to living with these beautiful women.

1. Mount SAGARA.isz file with Daemon Tools.
2. Install the game.
3. DO NOT install Virtual-Mate Launcher.

System Requirements:
900 MB hard drive, 32 MB Memory, Pentium II or higher processor recommended, DirectX compatible graphics and sound card.


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