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Virgin Roster / 出血簿〜鮮赤の嗚咽〜 [English]
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Date : 2015-03Size : 429.5 M
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Title: Shukketsubo ~Senaka no Oetsu~
Original title: 出血簿〜鮮赤の嗚咽〜
Year: Japan 2002-05-31, English Version 2003-12-19
Length: Short (2 - 10 hours)
Developer: ZyX
Publishers: G-Collections
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Animation: Ero scenes: Some fully animated scenes


One day in May, a new chemistry teacher assumes his duties at a Junior College. He is Kengo Inui, a man blessed with a sharp mind, great athletic s*, and handsome looks. In spite of these gifts, or perhaps because of them, his heart is that of a black devil. It was some months ago that he let the devil come out and work its s*s on the beautiful women around him, but he had crossed a line then. Now at his new posting, he is finally free to explore his evil passions once more.

1. Burn Or Mount With Daemon Tools.
2. Install The Game.
3. Copy the file from folder crack and paste it in the game directory. In order to play do not unmount the image file.

System Requirements:
640 MB hard drive, 32 MB Memory, Pentium II or higher processor recommended, DirectX compatible graphics and sound card.


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